City Council study session May 21 on Parkline project update
Published on May 13, 2024
The proposal includes a mixed-use neighborhood with new housing units at a range of affordability levels, new bicycle and pedestrian connections, public open space, and a new research and development (R&D) campus that would replace and consolidate SRI’s existing facilities with no net increase in commercial square footage. Both a base project and project variant are being reviewed and considered by the City. The applicant indicates they are pursuing approval of the recently updated project variant.
Key revisions include:
- Incorporation of an additional parcel at 201 Ravenswood Ave. into the project;
- Increase in residential dwelling units and relocation of residential units within the project site;
- Increase in the size of the dedicated 100 percent affordable housing parcel and number of affordable units within the building.
More information and updated plans for the project variant are now available on the City-maintained project page.
The City Council is scheduled to hold a study session on the proposed updated project at its meeting on Tuesday, May 21. The study session provides an opportunity for the community and City Council to learn more about the updated proposed master plan and provide comments for the applicant and staff to consider.
For additional information, please contact Corinna Sandmeier, Principal Planner, at or 650-330-6726.